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Art exhibition hall re-opens in Dalian


16:05, March 12, 2013

A fiesta of fine art can be found in China's northern sea port city of Dalian! Newly renovated, the city's art exhibition hall has just re-opened to the public with an exquisite collection of Italian impressionist paintings. Dalian is also showcasing its top calligraphy artists in Beijing.

Over 120 works are on display at the Dalian Arts Exhibition Hall. The collection consists mainly of engraved impressionist paintings. The hall has just undergone a makeover, and the refurbished interior and lighting really enhance the experience.

"It's state of the art, and the facilities really match the exhibits. A very refreshing experience. "

"Our facilities were out-dated before the renovation, but now it can meet all kinds of demands."

First built in 1902, the hall was renovated by the municipal government with a 5 million yuan budget. It's part of the city's larger plan to promote its cultural influence.

That influence has already made its way into Beijing. A three-day exhibit of works by contemporary calligraphers from Dalian kicked off on Sunday. The exhibition features 140 works by eighty artists, ranging from well-established names to rising stars. This is the first time calligraphers from Dalian have held a group exhibition in the capital.

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