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Capital's subway system branches out (2)

By Zheng Xin  (China Daily)

11:03, January 04, 2013

A woman takes photos at Nanluoguxiang Station on Line 6 on Sunday. The station's decoration features the traditional folk art of Beijing. Wei Xiaohao / for China Daily

The Beijing Subway is the busiest on the Chinese mainland in terms of passenger volume, and the largest in terms of operational length.

It is estimated the total operational length of the Beijing system will reach 1,050 km by the end of 2020, with 30 lines and some 450 stations, according to the Beijing government.

The four new services, which started operating on Dec 30, are Line 6, which connects the east and west of the capital; an extension to Line 10, which will form the capital's second loop line once finished; an extension to Line 8, which connects the city center and northern suburbs; and an extension to Line 9 to serve Beijing West Railway Station.

Line 6 will eventually be 52 km long and boast 32 stations, according to the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport. This involves three phases, with the entire route becoming operational by the end of 2015.

The first phase is 30.4 km long, with 20 underground stations, while the second will cover another 12.4 km, with seven stations.

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