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Business jet builders geared for expansion as demand takes off (3)

By Wang Wen (China Daily)

09:24, December 04, 2012

But Rishiraj Singh, the director of business and general aviation for Asia Pacific and China at Honeywell, said he considers that a good thing, because with it comes a large variety of models.

Singh said he expects the business jet market in Chinese mainland to increase from the current 160 per year to more than 500 in the next five to seven years.

"Chinese buyers now prefer business jets with larger cabins, which fly at higher speeds and longer," said Singh.

He added that Chinese buyers are realizing that owning a business jet amounts to more than having a luxury. It is a business decision which benefits companies.

Although the demand for business jets slowed this year due to the struggling global economy, experts view it as a long-term growth success and expect more domestic jet manufacturers to start up in the coming years.

By the end of 2011, China had nine business jets operators, according to the Civil Aviation Administration of China.

Deer Jet Co Ltd, the country's largest, said growth hit 48 percent in 2009, but it will slow to around 20 percent this year.

"But demand from the mining, commercial real estate and manufacturing industries is still strong enough to support the operation," said Li Jiang, Deer sales director.

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