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Hong Kong's MTR buys first China-made locomotives (2)

By Hao Nan (China Daily)

10:28, November 28, 2012

Hong Kong's Mass Transit Railway Corp has signed a 160-million-yuan order with China CNR Co for 23 locomotives with proprietary technologies developed by its subsidiary in Dalian. (Xinhua Photo)

The announcement also noted that the MTR procurement announcement attracted many well-known locomotive manufacturers, and bidding for the contract was fierce.

A CNR spokesman said the order shows its CKD0A locomotive has won the recognition it deserves and is also useful as a stepping stone to competing in top international railway markets.

The manufacturer says the CKD0A meets advanced international standards in fabrication, design, quality control and performance tests.

It can run at 80 kilometers an hour powered by two electric motors and a diesel engine. The design also provides more interior room by eliminating the need for a gearbox, which also improves the locomotive's reliability.

The driver's cab has two sets of controllers equipped with computer and cruise control systems.

The CKD0A locomotive is expected to be used in MTR's rolling stock in addition to subway vehicle rescue.

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