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English>>China Business

Chile's trade increasingly a matter of good taste (3)

By Ding Qingfen (China Daily)

08:32, November 26, 2012

Chilean growth was traditionally highly reliant on sales of copper, but a more favorable environment for foreign business is being created.

Amid the European debt crisis and the fragile global economic outlook, Chilean officials repeatedly emphasized the importance of closer ties with the Asia-Pacific region, especially with China.

And they said China's comparatively high growth, and commitment to transform economic growth, will provide opportunities for Chilean exporters.

China is a major copper consumer and also the largest export destination for Chilean copper, and in 2011 copper and copper-related goods contributed 80 percent of Chilean exports to China by value.

But "Chile is committed to diversifying its products of exports to China, from copper to categories including processed and agricultural goods, as well as food," said Linetzky.

China and Chile set a target of doubling trade to $60 billion by 2015, and Linetzky believes this is an "achievable target" as the two countries further implement the FTA.

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