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English>>China Business

Santa's sleigh brings restored order to SMEs (4)

By Yu Ran (China Daily)

14:56, November 15, 2012

"The economy's overall climate is getting better, although a great many SMEs are still struggling with the high cost of labor and materials, and sluggish demand," said Shi Jinchuan, dean of the Zhejiang University School of Economics.

Shi added that the government must continue to prioritize SMEs as they remained crucial to overall economic growth.

"Many policies being introduced are aimed at encouraging SMEs to find more ways to solve their own problems - that might be in brand rebuilding or cash flow, or upgrading their operational structures, for instance," said Shi.

Shi added that although certain SMEs are still struggling with the lack of orders and high expenses for labor and materials, the situation is getting better for the final quarter with more output of products to meet the increasing demands from abroad.

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