Wed,Jan 22,2014

Editor's Pick

US biotechnology company to launch skincare in China

By Han Shasha (People's Daily Online)    14:44, January 22, 2014
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Frederic Stoeckel, senior vice president and general manager of Algenist introduce the new product which will be launched in China. (People's Daily Online/Han Shasha)

San Francisco, Jan.21, (People's Daily Online)---Solazyme, Inc., a renewable oil and bioproducts company, announced Tuesday the expansion of Algenist, the company's microalgae-based luxury skincare line, to China's market.

Frederic Stoeckel, senior vice president and general manager of Algenist said that a set of skincare products will be launched in Sephora stores in China on February 7.

Stoeckel introduced that the skincare product can be distinguished from others because of its technology and the Alguronic Acid extracted from the microalgae.

He said that microalgae exist in different harsh environments like high-altitude mountains, deserts and deep oceans where they are deprived of sunlight or nutrients. After studying the molecular structure of microalgae with a particular focus on its protective and regenerative abilities, the research discovered the Alguronic Acid, which is exclusive to Algenist.

Alguronic Acid in nature is responsible for locking in hydration and acting as a protective barrier to the microalgae cell. Its complex molecular structure brings it anti-aging benefits.

After launched in the United States and 13other countries, "I am excited that the product will be introduced to China," said Stoeckel.

The company also announced today that the skincare line has won the prestigious 2014 Marie Claire Prix d’ Excellence de la Beauté in France.

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(Editor:YaoChun、Yan Meng)

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