Tue,Sep 17,2013

Editor's Pick

Lawyer says Snowden's relatives to visit Russia soon

(Xinhua)    18:52, September 17, 2013
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Relatives of Edward Snowden may visit Russia soon to meet with the fugitive U.S. intelligence whistleblower, local media said Tuesday citing a lawyer on Snowden's behalf.

"I've sent an invitation, but he (Snowden's father Lon) has his plans. We talk with him nearly every day now," Anatoly Kucherena told Russia Today television.

Snowden's mother and grandparents, he said, may also come to Russia. "I won't tell you the date for the time being," the Interfax news agency quoted him as saying.

Noting that Snowden was likely to be a human rights activist, Kucherena said "he will decide himself how to act and what to do within the framework of his human rights activities."

The lawyer said Snowden was currently learning about Russian culture. "He is walking, he can travel, and he is traveling, and therefore he is keen on learning our history," said Kucherena.

Snowden faces espionage charges in the United States after disclosing a classified intelligence surveillance project code-named PRISM.

 Russia granted him asylum on Aug. 1 amid calls by Washington to return him for a trial, which prompted U.S. President Barack Obama to drop a scheduled bilateral summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in September.

(Editor:YanMeng、Gao Yinan)

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