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Finnish analysis finds Polish phosphorous leakages into Baltic Sea


08:27, July 18, 2013

HELSINKI, July 17 (Xinhua) -- A waste stack near the coast of the Baltic Sea is leaking considerable amount of phosphorous to the sea waters, Finnish environment ministry said on Wednesday.

The Finnish Environmental Institute took samples from two phosphorous-gypsum waste stacks in Poland, the ministry said in a press release.

At least one of the two piles is believed to be leaking large amount of phosphorous to the Baltic Sea, according to the analysis done by the institute.

"According to the results, phosphate and total phosphorus concentrations are very high in the Dead Vistula beside the phosphor-gypsum stack," said Antti Raike, a senior researcher from the institute.

Raike believed that enhanced actions are needed to reduce the environmental impacts.

Earlier reports that the two Polish sites could be leaking hazardous substances brought about a cooperated study on the matter by the environmental authorities of the two nations.

Finland took over the Presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States on July 1.

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