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Drone strikes ineffective and only serve to help anti-Americanism (2)

By Aftab Hussain (Global Times)

14:16, July 15, 2013

Drone strikes started in Pakistan in 2005, and have so far killed more than 2,500 people, most of whom were innocent civilians. If drone attacks were effective and some terrorists were killed, one could, for the sake of argument, say that since it aids Pakistani forces' hunt for terrorists, they should continue.

However, such a method has proven to be highly dangerous and counterproductive. If the US still believes that it is helpful, then it should share the technology with Pakistan, and the country should start making and using the drones too.

It is the leaders in Islamabad who should decide when and where to fire a drone missile, not people in Washington who are used to giving the orders.

Violating the sovereignty of a country is counterproductive. If Washington wants good relations with Islamabad, it should respect the country's territorial sovereignty. Through cooperation, and with mutual confidence and trust, relations can improve.

The US needs to realize Pakistan's significance to Washington in South Asia. Pakistan can help with bringing about peace in Afghanistan, and can also help with the promotion of regional trade and economy.

After a few twists and turns, US Secretary of State John Kerry will visit Pakistan later this month. He should come, welcome the new government and give a message of support and cooperation. This would boost the confidence of the new leadership and improve the Pakistan-US relationship which has been shadowed by incidents like the drone strikes.

The author is a research fellow at the Islamabad Policy Research Institute.

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