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13 people shot dead in Serbian village


09:16, April 10, 2013

BELGRADE, April 9 (Xinhua) -- A man killed 13 people in a shooting rampage in a small village in central Serbia on Tuesday, police said.

Police said the man, Ljubisa Bogdanovic, shot himself in a suicide attempt after the killing and was in critical condition.

The victims, including six women and a two-year-old child, were relatives and neighbours of Bogdanovic at Velika Ivanca, about 40 km southwest of the capital Belgrade.

Bogdanovic also shot his wife, who is in critical condition at a local hospital. Most of the victims were shot in the head shortly after 5:00 a.m. (0300 GMT) in the day.

Police have located the gun used in the killing, a semi-automatic 9-mm pistol, but the motive was still unclear.

According to Serbian media, Bogdanovic, born in 1953, fought in the 1991-1995 war in Croatia during the collapse of former Yugoslavia. He and his son lost their jobs last year.

Police said Bogdanovic had a permit to carry firearms.

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