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8 injured in protests across Egypt


11:31, April 07, 2013

CAIRO, April 6 (Xinhua) -- Eight people were injured across Egypt on Saturday as revolutionary April 6 Youth Movement marked its 5th anniversary with nationwide anti-government protests.

"Seven people were injured in Cairo in protests outside the Supreme Courthouse while one was injured in a protest at Al-Masala Square in Fayoum governorate (85 km south of Cairo)," Health Ministry spokesman Yahya Moussa told Xinhua.

For his part, Khaled al-Khatib, the ministry's director of emergency care department, told Xinhua the injured people were taken to nearby hospitals in Cairo and Fayoum, reaffirming no death cases were registered in the protests.

April 6 Youth Movement is an opposition political movement founded in 2008 by a number of youth in support of a general strike held then by the textile workers of Al-Mahalla, the largest city of Gharbiya governorate, some 80 km north of Cairo.

The youth of the movement do not belong to any political parties nor do they have any ideological affiliations as they believe in the ideological variety inside the movement. The movement was also among the first callers for January 2011 uprising that toppled the regime of former president Hosni Mubarak.

The movement officially supported the current Islamist-oriented President Mohamed Morsi in the presidential run-off elections against Mubarak's last prime minister Ahmed Shafiq, yet they turned against Morsi arguing he did not fulfill his presidential campaign promises, his Muslim Brotherhood supporters attempt to dominate the country's key institutions and his government failed to resolve the country's pressing issues like ailing economy, loose security and unemployment.

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