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Iran not after building nuclear weapons: supreme leader


09:04, February 17, 2013

Key Words: Iran nuclear weapons

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TEHRAN, Feb. 16 (Xinhua) -- Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei reiterated Saturday that the Islamic republic is not after building nuclear weapons.

Khamenei was quoted by local Press TV as saying Iran has "no intention to build nuclear weapons."

"We believe that nuclear weapons (in the world) must be obliterated, and we do not intend to make nuclear weapons. But if.. . we had decided to possess nuclear weapons, no power could have prevented us," he said.

The remarks is significant against the backdrop of a new round of nuclear talks between the Islamic republic and the so-called P5+ 1 group (Britain, China, France, Russia, the United States and Germany) that will start on Feb. 26 in Kazakhstan.

In February 2012, Khamenei said his country considers seeking and acquiring nuclear arms as a "sin."

On Saturday, an Iranian lawmaker said the Iranian nation will not retreat from its "peaceful" nuclear rights despite the unfair pressures and sanctions, according to Press TV.

Seyyed Hossein Naqavi-Hosseini, spokesman for Iran's Majlis ( parliament) National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, urged the P5+1 to show its determination to achieve results in the upcoming nuclear talks.

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