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Video: Red tourism blends history, patriotism


10:56, November 05, 2012

Yan’an is a small, quiet city in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province. It’s also known as a cradle of the Chinese revolution. In 1946, Mao Zedong set up a revolutionary base there after completing the epic Long March. The revolution led to the founding of New China.

In today’s Yan’an, history is being re-enacted. Visiting places like these are part of a "red tourism" which is gaining in popularity in the country.

Explosions and gunfire, sand and soldiers. History lives again. This performance is to reshow parts of the history to those who lived during those turbulent times and to those who came after.

These places plays an impotent role in the Chinese revolution. "Red Tourism" offers tourists with places and events in China’s revolution and help them to gain more knowledge about the country’s past.

Chines late leader Chairman Mao once lived in Yan’an. People from all over the country come to visit his former residence.

Yan’an holds a very special place in the hearts of Chinese. Many of China’s revolutionaries once lived here.

For the tourist, the places remind them the revolutionary days of the past. Most viewed commentaries

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