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Hong Kong: More than just a place to shop

(Shanghai Daily)

08:19, March 04, 2013

(Xinhua Photo)

Hong Kong has become an increasingly popular destination for wealthy visitors from the Chinese mainland, many of whom come just to shop. In Hong Kong's main tourist districts, Louis Vuitton and Gucci boutiques have crowded out middle-of-the-road retailers to cater to the big spenders. Trendy, expensive restaurants and bars have replaced mom-and-pop shops. One could be forgiven for thinking there's nothing else to do in the Asian capital of commerce but spend money.

But Hong Kong has a wealth of non-retail activities for visitors, and many are free.

The view

With its bustling harbor and glittering, neon-drenched skyscrapers set against a backdrop of verdant, towering peaks, Hong Kong is one of the world's most scenic cities. Start at Tsim Sha Tsui on the tip of the Kowloon waterfront. Join other sightseers snapping shots of Hong Kong Island's legendary skyline.

While the views are free, the ferry to Hong Kong Island and a tram ride will cost you, but not much: Tickets at most are about 44 US cents. Walk along the promenade toward the clock tower to reach the pier, where you can catch the cross-harbor Star Ferry, a Hong Kong icon that has been running for more than a century. Once on Hong Kong Island, take the footbridge to the tramway. Hop aboard the century-old tram system for an old-fashioned ride through neighborhoods along the island's northern edge. Grab an upper deck seat to watch streetscapes slide by, from the ultramodern financial district of Central to the crowded Causeway Bay shopping district to less glamorous neighborhoods. Some trams fork off to the Happy Valley horse racing track.

Bruce Lee

Martial arts legend Bruce Lee died in 1973 at age 32. Forty years later he arguably remains Hong Kong's most famous movie star, yet there are only a few landmarks for his fans. A bronze statue of the actor was erected in 2005 on the Kowloon waterfront promenade, showing Lee in one of his characteristic fighting stances. The statue is on Hong Kong's Avenue of Stars, the city's version of the Hollywood Walk of Fame, where Lee and other Chinese stars are memorialized with plaques.

Fans have been pushing for Lee's childhood home in Kowloon Tong to be turned into a museum but talks with the businessman who owns the property, which has been used as an hourly love hotel, have dragged on for years. The intrepid can still pay a visit to the residence at 41 Cumberland Road. The truly devoted can hunt out even more obscure Bruce Lee sites by following walking tours developed by fans, like this one:

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