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Bright Food wins ‘China Corporate Wealth Management Award 2012’

(People's Daily Online)

16:03, March 29, 2013

Cao Xiaofeng, CFO and member of the Board of Bright Food, speaks at the conference.

Bright Food (Group) Co., Ltd. won the “China Corporate Wealth Management Award 2012” at the Sixth China CFO Annual Conference held recently in Beijing.

The award is set to identify China’s model cases of corporate wealth management in 2012 with a view to providing examples that represent the future development and have significant reference value for Chinese enterprises. The judging panel hold that Bright Food had proved itself a pioneer in innovating wealth management practices and financial patterns in 2012 such as the overseas merger and acquisition, investment & financing, financial management and corporate value integration; therefore, it deserved the award. Mr. Cao Xiaofeng, CFO and member of the Board of Bright Food, attended the conference and delivered an address entitled “Creating Value through Overseas M&A”, sharing the company’s experience in overseas M&A, financing and innovation.

Cao Xiaofeng, CFO and member of the Board of Bright Food, receives the award.

Leaders from the Ministry of Finance, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and China Securities Regulatory Commission, as well as experts and scholars from the economic and financial circles expounded the national macroeconomic policies. Domestic and overseas financial experts from well-known state-owned key enterprises and Global Top 500 companies as well as some award-winning CFOs shared their experience and insights in the event.

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