Fri,Jan 31,2014

Editor's Pick

Top 10 temples for Spring Festival prayers (9)

By Lin Liyao (China.org.cn)    14:14, January 31, 2014
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Wutai Mountain, Shanxi (China.org.cn)

Top 2: Wutai Mountain, Shanxi (山西五台山)

Standing at the northeast part of Shanxi Province, Wutai Mountain, along with Emei Mountain in Sichuan, Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang, and Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui, is one of the four sacred mountains in Chinese Buddhism. As the dojo of the Bodhisattva Manjusri, the Bodhisattva of wisdom, the mountain is famous not only in China, but also in Japan, India, Nepal and other neighboring countries. Thousands of students and their parents flock to Wutai to pray for good luck and a bright future during the pre-exam season, especially before the National College Entrance Examination.

Travel tips:

Admission: 168 yuan (Apr. --Oct.), 145 yuan (Nov. --Mar.)

Opening hours: 6:30 -- 20:00

Getting there: Take long-distance buses from Yingze Street in Taiyuan, Xinzhou City or Wutai County.

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(Editor:DuMingming、Yao Chun)

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