Thu,Jan 9,2014

Film and TV studios worth visiting in China (3)

(People's Daily Online)    09:45, January 09, 2014
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Zhongshan TV and Film City (file photo)

3. Zhongshan TV and Film City

Labels/Key words: Sun Yat-sen, moral education base, cultural tourism, horse war show

Located at Cuiheng Village, Zhongshan City, southern China's Guangdong Province, Zhongshan TV and Film City is the only shooting base themed by the life of Sun Yat-sen. It is composed of five main scenic areas including China Scenic Area, Japan Scenic Area, England Scenic Area, US Scenic Area and the Exhibition Area. Besides, there are tourist scenic spots, film and TV cultural exhibition center, recreational facilities and modern high-tech movie as well as TV art facilities.


Transportation: Travelers can take bus 12 from downtown Zhongshan city, or take tour buses in the city.

Food: Travelers can enjoy the local specialties include Xiaolan chrysanthemum meat, Changjiang grass carp with crisp flesh, Sanxiang rise noodle, and Shenwan pineapple.

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(Editor:DuMingming、Gao Yinan)

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