Fri,Dec 27,2013
English>>China Politics

Mao Zedong has emerged in China-- Commemorating 120th birth anniversary of Mao Zedong (2)

(People's Daily Online)    08:27, December 26, 2013
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The statue of young Mao Zedong is reopened after one-month cleaning work in Changsha, central China’s Hunan province. The statue was unveiled to public in Changsha on Dec 26, 2009 to mark the 116th anniversary of the birth of Mao; it is made of more than 8,000 pieces of red granites from south China’s Fujian province and vividly imitates the portrait of young Mao Zedong in 1925. (People’s Daily Overseas Edition/ Long Hongtao)

Today is the 120th anniversary of the birth of comrade Mao Zedong.

Mao Zedong was born in 1893 in Shaoshan Village in central China's Hunan Province. He died in 1976 at 83. As the main founder of the PRC, Mao is one of the most influential figures in China's modern history.

Comrade Mao Zedong was a great Marxist, proletarian revolutionary, strategist, and theorist. He had broad-mindedness and awe-inspiring vision. Till now, Mao lives on in many Chinese people’s hearts and remains an eternal inspiration to people around the world. Activities marking the 120th anniversary of his birth have been held across China recently.

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(Editor:intern1、Zhang Qian)

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