Fri,Dec 13,2013

Top 10 mountains for winter exploration (7)

(China.org.cn)    09:46, December 13, 2013
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Namjagbarwa Peak (China.org.cn)

The Mount Namjagbarwa is seen in the Yarlung Zangbo Canyon Park in Nyingchi, West China's Tibet autonomous region.Namjagbarwa Peak is reputed to be a "Paradise in the Clouds." The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Himalayas have been hailed as mankind's last land of mystery. At each end of the Himalayas stand two peaks. At the eastern end stands Namjagbarwa (7,782 meters), the world’s 15th highest peak, the triangualr titanic peak is covered with snow all year long, which makes it difficult to see the peak's actual appearance.

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(Editor:DuMingming、Chen Lidan)

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