Fri,Dec 13,2013

Memorial held in San Francisco to honor Mandela (4)

By Han Shasha (People's Daily Online)    08:47, December 13, 2013
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People bought souvenir printing with Mandela's image and introduction in front of the City Hall. (People's Daily Online/Han Shasha)

San Francisco, Dec.11, (People's Daily Online)----San Francisco paid tribute to the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela in its City Hall on Wednesday morning with hundreds gathering at the memorial.

A portrait of Mandela is in place as a backdrop for the memorial at San Francisco City Hall. "San Francisco mourns, as we have lost a friend and truly inspirational leader who never stopped fighting for equality," said Mayor Lee, " He left his heart open and he changed the world."

Former San Francisco mayor, also the first African American mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown said at the memorial that Mandela is a worldwide human right leader and fighter.

Former U.S. Secretary of State George P. Shultz, eulogized the former South African president and recalled his meetings with Mandela. He also highlighted Mandela's emphasis on actions rather than words to solve social problems. South African Consul General Cyril Ndaba honored the anti-apartheid leader and credited San Francisco for its longtime support of Mandela.

More than 300 people attended the memorial. The public is invited to write messages in a condolences book at the city hall through this Friday, December 13 and then the book will be delivered to the heir of Nelson Mandela.

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(Editor:LiangJun、Zhang Qian)

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