Thu,Dec 12,2013

Editor's Pick

Teaching Tibet's visually impaired (3)

By Palden Nyima  (China Daily)    10:05, December 12, 2013
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Photo Provided to China Daily

But he says the purpose of the vocational center is to improve the students' self-esteem and help them become contributing members of society.
Teaching organic farming is just one of the things Parent does at the vocational school. He also teaches animal husbandry and every evening after supper, he teaches English. He is also a fitness coach to the children.

Every morning, he gets up early and opens the gym and takes the visually impaired children through some exercises and teaches them to use the various sports equipment available.

"Most of them are still young, they need to move frequently. I don't want to see them sitting in a corner all the time," he says.

Such dedication is appreciated by the students and those who work with him.

"Parent always thinks about others," says Ardon Ngawang Drolma, 38, the school principal. "He spends all his money on others and doesn't have any savings. Once, I found he only had 10 yuan ($1.63) in his pocket."

"He told us simply one day that we should bury him on top of the hill after he died," she adds. "That is unforgettable."

"They can live without me, but I think I cannot live without them. In my heart, they are part of my family," Parent says.

When the interview ended, with his rough chapped hands, he shook hands with us, a big smile on his face.

【1】 【2】 【3】 【4】 【5】

(Editor:WangXin、Chen Lidan)

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