Mon,Dec 9,2013

Bizarre dresses show at 2013 Shenzhen Int'l Marathon (9)

(People's Daily Online)    09:51, December 09, 2013
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Runners in bizarre dresses attend 2013 Shenzhen Int'l Marathon Game on Dec.8, 2013. 10,000 contestants from 30 countries and regions competed in the marathon. Asefa Abraha Milaw of Ethiopia claimed the title of the men's competition with time of 2:12:29 and Kiplimo Jacquline Nyetipei of Kenya won the women's. The organizing committee provided 380 temporary toilets, 20 medical stations, 19 ambulance and 15 drinking points during the competition.(Photo/Xinhua)

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(Editor:WangXin、Chen Lidan)

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