Fri,Nov 29,2013
English>>Foreign Affairs

EU Ambassador to China visits People’s Daily Online (2)

(People's Daily Online)    16:36, November 29, 2013
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Markus Ederer, EU Ambassador to China, receives a video interview at People’s Daily Online. (Photo/ People’s Daily Online)

Markus Ederer, EU Ambassador to China, paid a visit to People’s Daily Online Wednesday and received a video interview with the theme ”Review and prospect of China-EU ties.”

Mr. Ederer mentioned the 16th China-EU leaders' meeting which was held a few days ago in Beijing, saying that it was a very important meeting. China and EU reached an agreement on 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation, which was expected to upgrade the bilateral cooperation in the future five to ten years.

He also talked about social development, environmental protection and trade among other issues with readers of People’s Daily Online.

Mr. Ederer assumed the post as EU Ambassador to China in early 2011.

【1】 【2】

(Editor:YaoChun、Zhang Qian)

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