Thu,Nov 14,2013
English>>China Politics

Editor's Pick

China's reforms influence world: experts (3)

(Xinhua)    11:05, November 14, 2013
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Facing the global economy's stumbling recovery, developed and developing countries are all looking for solutions via reform.

In those circumstances, the meeting's communique, featuring comprehensive reform, will provide opportunities and dividends to other countries while, at the same time, giving them valuable experience.

Applauding the document as "extremely encouraging", World Bank President Jim Yong Kim said Tuesday that, despite lower growth figures, China was continuing down the path of reform.

China's commitment to reforms of the business environment and the role of the private sector seemed very firm, Kim said.

"We expect them to perhaps grow at a slower rate, but the quality of growth we think will be better," he said.

Echoing Kim's remarks, Joergen Oerstroem Moeller, visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, noted in Copenhagen that, although confidence in the economic future was low, China could reverse that trend and spread its own confidence to other countries.

Moeller said that China is trying to find its own economic model. "If China succeeds, it may well open a new epoch of economic thinking," he said.

【1】 【2】 【3】


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(Editor:ZhangQian、Chen Lidan)

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