Thu,Oct 17,2013
English>>Life & Culture

Editor's Pick

Private arts troupes struggle in under-regulated market (3)

By Wang Wen and Nick Yates (Xinhua)    18:39, October 17, 2013
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There are signs of hope on the horizon. Provincial governments across the nation are building more theaters, music halls and libraries in order to offer better facilities for residents to enjoy their cultural life.

In east China's Shandong Province, the provincial government invested 7.7 billion yuan to build 13 new theaters and refurbish 22 in preparation for the 10th China Art Festival, which is being held in the province from Oct. 11 to Oct. 26.

The newly built and refurbished venues are expected to continue offering high-quality shows after the festival closes.

Meanwhile, private troupes and state-owned troupes are working together.

This arrangement can be seen in a sci-fi children's play named "Future Soldiers and Transformers" that Li Xiaojie produced this year and which is expected to tour China to give more than 100 performances.

Her company financed the production of the play, owns its copyright and has taken charge of advertisement while a state-run professional troupe is providing actors and actresses.

"It's a win-win situation, both companies can pay less and earn more," says Li.

In Shanghai, where private troupes are more established, troupes work together on performances.

Ji is planning to take her troupe to Canada, Japan, Korea and the United States in 2014 as she believes the overseas market is huge.

Li's ambition is similarly bold. "I was the survivor of the past decade, I want to be the winner of the next decade," she says, explaining that whenever she gets an opportunity, she will take China's plays, dramas and operas abroad.

"But leaving China is only the first step. I want to make "made-in-China" performances accepted and applauded by mainstream markets overseas," adds Li.

【1】 【2】 【3】

(Editor:WangXin、Zhang Qian)

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