Mon,Sep 30,2013
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Chairman Wang Zongnan visits Chairman of ISE Foods Inc. in Japan (2)

(People's Daily Online)    16:17, September 30, 2013
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Chairman Wang Zongnan visits Chairman of ISE Foods Inc. in Japan

On the morning of September 16, Wang Zongnan, Party Secretary and Chairman of Bright Food Group visited ISE Shikonobu, Chairman of ISE Foods Inc., at the head office of ISE Foods Inc. in Tokyo, Japan. Cao Xiaofeng, member of Party Committee and CFO, Zhang Hanqiang, Vice President of Bright Food Group, ISE Juntaro, Vice Chairman, KanzakiIza, Vice President and Chikaraishi Takao, Vice President of ISE Foods Inc. also showed their presence in the meeting.

Wang expressed his pleasure in visiting ISE Shikonobu and ISE Juntaro at the head office of ISE Foods Inc. which served as the largest food company with mature and leading technology in Japan. Bright Food Group boasted businesses covering agriculture, food production, and food distribution and enjoys channel networks spreading across the whole country. The cooperation between both parties had obvious advantages and profound significance.

Wang revealed that Bright Food Group took a very optimistic attitude on the brighter prospects of cooperation with ISE Foods Inc. and would make all efforts to support the collaborative project of layers between Bright Food Group Shanghai Haifeng General Company and ISE Foods Inc., hoping that both parties could further make full use of their resource advantages, thus further expanding mutual cooperation.

ISE Shikonobu exhibited his thanks, on behalf of ISE Foods Inc., for the cooperation with Bright Food Group, a company with world prominence. Although the visiting guests of Bright Food Group only had a short stay in ISE, ISE Shikonobu expected that the delegation would have further understanding of ISE Foods Inc. through the visit and investigation.

Founded 101 years ago, Japan ISE Foods Inc. is a food company famous for layer production and food processing in Japan, with its products sold to places all over the world. (By Ji Lvqing)

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(Editor:YaoChun、Chen Lidan)

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