Thu,Sep 5,2013
English>>Foreign Affairs

Editor's Pick

Gas deal to double Turkmen imports to China (2)

By Bai Tiantian (Globaltimes.cn)    11:41, September 05, 2013
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"A great proportion of Turkmenistan's natural gas exports go to Russia, which, to this day, still holds the best natural gas contract with the country," said Wu. "In today's world, energy holds a lot of sway in foreign relations. Turkmenistan, while seeking diversified customers, is looking to balance the influence."

Xi and Berdymukhamedov also decided to lift bilateral ties to a strategic partnership after talks on Tuesday.

"Over recent years, the two countries have enjoyed high political mutual trust and witnessed fruitful cooperation in economy, trade, energy and culture," said Xi, noting that China has become Turkmenistan's largest trading partner.

China supports Turkmenistan's policy of permanent neutrality, and stands ready to maintain high-level contact and expand exchanges between governments, legislatures and political parties, he added.

In addition, Xi urged the two sides to enhance law enforcement and defense cooperation, strengthen communication and coordination on regional affairs, and support an "Afghan-led and Afghan-owned" reconciliation process in Afghanistan.

Xi left Turkmenistan Wednesday for the G20 summit to be held in St Petersburg on Thursday and Friday.

Chinese Deputy Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao said upon his arrival in St Petersburg on Tuesday that China will put its house in order, continue structural economic reforms, and improve the quality of its economic growth, Xinhua reported Wednesday.

Zhu is confident in China achieving 7.5 percent growth in 2013, and also believes that inflation will be kept under 3.5 percent, with the creation of 10 million new jobs.

Agencies contributed to this story

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(Editor:ZhangQian、Yao Chun)

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