Wed,Sep 4,2013
English>>Foreign Affairs

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Full text: President Xi's joint written interview with media from Turkmenistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan (10)

(Xinhua)    09:05, September 04, 2013
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10. The 13th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the SCO will soon be held in Bishkek. What are your expectations and assessments of the upcoming summit? What initiatives will you put forth at the summit?

Since its inception, the SCO has taken solid steps in cooperation in political, security, economic, people-to-people and cultural fields and on the international stage. It has played an important role in maintaining regional security and stability and promoting common development, and is now brimming with vigor and vitality. It has become the consensus of member states to facilitate faster and better development of the organization and to promote the attainment of common targets.

The SCO Bishkek Summit will take place against two important backgrounds. First, there have been new changes in the region and the world. In-depth adjustments in global economy, persistent turmoil in west Asia and north Africa, and new complexities in the Afghanistan issue have all posed new challenges to regional security and stability and to SCO cooperation and development. At the same time, emerging economies have demonstrated greater development potential and broader prospects for cooperation. This has brought new opportunities for SCO's development. Second, the Treaty on Long-Term Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation Between the SCO Member States, which has officially come into effect, has injected fresh impetus to member states' efforts to elevate cooperation to a higher level, improve their capacity in meeting various threats and challenges, and speed up the building of a region of lasting peace and common prosperity. In this context, the upcoming summit will make plans and arrangements for SCO's work at the next stage in line with the above-mentioned developments and changes.

I believe that to advance the development of the SCO, it is necessary to continue to carry forward the "Shanghai Spirit" that features mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diverse civilizations and the pursuit of common development. It is important to ensure success in two areas: first, enhance self-development, improve capacity-building, and increase efficiency and level of cooperation; second, strengthen partnership network building, promote cooperation with observers and dialogue partners through concrete steps, and jointly work out regional development plans. Three tasks need to be fulfilled in real earnest, namely, maintaining security, developing the economy and improving people's wellbeing as identified in the Strategic Plan for the Medium-Term Development of the SCO, to the benefit of people of member states.

At the summit, I will put forth China's views and initiatives on the afore-mentioned matters and I look forward to hearing valuable opinions from colleagues. I am confident that with concerted efforts of all member states, the summit will produce expected results and open a new chapter in the development of the organization.

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(Editor:ZhangQian、Liang Jun)

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