Mon,Sep 2,2013

Editor's Pick

MND spokesman meets press (4)

(China Military Online)    09:06, September 02, 2013
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PLA doesn't institute so-called "non-ranked generals"

In regards to the prevalently-concerned issue of the so-called "non-ranked generals", Yang Yujun said that the General Political Department (GPD) of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) not long ago promulgated specific regulations to demand the standardization of large-scale literary and art performances, and reinforcement on the education and management of literary and art teams. As for the so-called "non-ranked generals", according to related regulations of the PLA, the non-ranked cadres are active servicemen with no military ranks conferred.

Therefore, there is no so-called "non-ranked general" in the system of the PLA. The GPD stressed again in the newly-released regulations that the non-ranked cadre with specialized techniques above Level-3 cannot be called a general or a non-ranked general. Related PLA regulations, rules and systems have made clarified specifications as to the promotion of non-ranked cadres.

【1】 【2】 【3】 【4】

(Editor:YanMeng、Yao Chun)

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