Fri,Aug 16,2013
English>>Travel >> Around China

The five Hutong areas of Beijing (4)

(CRI Online)    09:04, August 16, 2013
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Dongjiaominxiang Lane (China.org.cn)

Dongjiaominxiang Lane

Dongjiaominxiang is the longest Hutong in Beijing. During the Yuan Dynasty, the taxation office and custom house responsible for the transport of grain to the capital were set on this street. The recent name "Dongjiaominxiang" is actually a misinformed version. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, many guild halls were built to receive diplomats and envoys from vassal states or other countries. The area became a diplomatic street in 1901. Since then, eleven countries including Great Britain, the United States, France and Japan have founded many administrative agencies, banks, hospitals and churches here. As a result of the area's history, it boasts many grand and exotic buildings and is rich in cultural heritage.

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(Editor:DuMingming、Ye Xin)

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