Mon,Aug 5,2013

Air Forces arrive at designated area to join China-Russia drill (20)

(Xinhua)    11:27, August 05, 2013
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Air Forces arrive at designated area to join China-Russia drill (Source: www.people.com.cn)

China's last troops of Army Air Forces arrived at the designated area over a long distance to participate in China-Russia drill.

Peace Mission 2013 involves 5 Chinese fighter-bombers and 2 transport-craft, as well as over SIX-hundred personnel.

Two Mi-171 transport helicopters and four Z-9 armed helicopters from a Chinese army aviation regiment arrived Thursday at the Shagol airport. The first and second railway-transported troops from the Chinese side arrived on Friday afternoon. Five JH-7A aircraft of the Chinese Air Force arrived at the Shagol Airport on Friday night.

【1】 【2】 【3】 【4】 【5】 【6】 【7】 【8】 【9】 【10】
【11】 【12】 【13】 【14】 【15】 【16】 【17】 【18】 【19】 【20】

(Editor:YanMeng、Yao Chun)

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