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China's plastic explosion (4)

By Nana K. Sidibe (

10:27, July 25, 2013

A BB cream ad featuring Yunho and Changmin from the South Korean pop group TVXQ, in Ginza Mall, Dongzhimen, Beijing (

Booming industry

The plastic surgery industry has boomed in China over the past few years and the competition among hospitals has been fierce. In 2010, the industry was worth 300 billion yuan (US$48 billion), according to the All China Women's Federation.

The MyLike Hospital Group has effectuated approximately 2 million surgeries since its creation in the 1990s, according to Xu Jia, the media and public relations manager of Beijing MyLike. The Beijing hospital, located in Chaoyang District, is the largest operated by the MyLike Group, which also has hospitals in Chinese cities such as Guangzhou, Suzhou and also abroad, in Seoul, South Korea.

Beijing MyLike Hospital tries to differentiate itself from its competitors by hiring the best surgeons and using the latest devices. The medical team is composed of Chinese doctors as well as professionals from Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. The equipment used is sophisticated and often imported from overseas. Beijing MyLike is the only hospital in the Chinese capital that disposes of laser devices used for the treatment of skin imperfections, according to a hospital spokesperson. The 13 devices are worth 1 million yuan each and are imported from the United States and Israel. In order to correct skin imperfections, patients have to attend several sessions.

Sichuan MyLike Hospital, part of the MyLike Hospital Group, even organizes a contest -- the winner of which is awarded free plastic surgery -- in an attempt to explain to the general public what plastic surgery is. The contest was the subject of the documentary "What I Hate About Myself", by two American students, Bobby Moser and Ben Mullinkosson. The documentary, which charts the journey of the contest's eventual winner, is only available in the United States, per the request of the winner.

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