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Young and old embrace ancient martial art in China (4)


08:26, July 08, 2013

Taichi is often considered to be a quintessential symbol of China. Practised both for training and health benefits, it is still widely undertaken by many Chinese people today. (CNTV)

"The good thing about a Taichi center is it provides an environment for people to focus and settle down to practise. The center is decorated with Chinese cultural elements, as you can see here, and it also isn’t reliant on the weather, like practising in the park," Taichi master Chen Daoyong said.

Taichi centres across China are aiming to replicate the success of Tae Kwon Do and yoga to become a staple diet for city dwellers who love exercise. With its profound philosophy and exceptional athletic benefits, Chen sees no reason why Taichi can’t succeed.

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