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Caribbean media, LatAm leaders hail Chinese president's visit (2)


08:27, June 04, 2013

Xi is currently in Costa Rica for a state visit to the Latin American country, following which he will travel to Mexico and then fly to the U.S. state of California for a summit with U.S. President Barack Obama.

The Chinese president's visit has also drawn attention of other Latin American countries. Carlos Tavares, a Brazilian expert on Chinese affairs and global trade, said Xi's visit to Trinidad and Tobago and his talks with leaders of other Caribbean nations showed the new generation of the Chinese leadership was ready to deepen relations with the region.

Tavares recalled a speech Xi gave at the fifth leaders' summit of BRICS countries in March in Durban, South Africa, in which he said cultural diversity should be respected.

Xi said all countries were equal in the international community regardless of their size, wealth and strength, Tavares noted, adding China had proved it does what it says.

Severino Cabral, director of Brazil Institute of China and Asia Pacific Studies, said Xi's meetings with leaders of the Caribbean took place when the Asian country and the region had achieved fruitful results in bilateral cooperation and both sides wanted to consolidate ties.

Clarin, one of Argentine leading newspapers, reported that China and the Caribbean countries had conducted various kinds of effective cooperation, and the region had witnessed more benefits from economic and trade cooperation with China.

【1】 【2】

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