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Super 8 hotel building collapses in Fuzhou (6)  10:27, May 21, 2013  

Rescuers search for survivors at the ruins of Super 8 budget hotel, a four-storey building in downtown Fuzhou, capital city of Fujian, southeast China, May 20, 2013. No casualties reported in the accident so far. (Photo/

An ancillary building of a Super 8 budget hotel collapsed while under construction on Monday in Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian province.The accident happened at about 4 pm in downtown Fuzhou. Police officers rushed to the scene and forced people nearby to evacuate. They were followed by firefighters and medical workers who began search and rescue operations right away.

CCTV, a state-own television station quoted an onlooker as saying that there may be more than 10 people trapped in the three-story building.The cause of the accident and the number of casualties remain unclear. Rescue operations are underway.

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