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President touts opportunity for cooperation (2)

(China Daily)

08:44, May 14, 2013

"Limited and separated markets and poor infrastructure have seriously stunted the thriving economic partnership between China and Africa," Zhang said.

He suggested that Chinese enterprises in Africa come up with comprehensive strategies and try to develop service trades, such as finance and shipping, to connect the continent's many markets.

In the meeting, Xi called Mozambique an "all-weather friend" of China in Africa.

Xi met Guebuza in South Africa in late March on the sidelines of the fifth BRICS summit, which groups Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. After the two nations established diplomatic ties in 1975, China has taken a key role in international assistance to the country.

Under the framework of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum, China waived Mozambique's mature debts of 294 million yuan ($47.8 million) that were due by the end of 2005.

China has also started building a national stadium for Mozambique.

On Monday, Guebuza appreciated China's long-term support to his country's national liberation and development.

The Mozambican president is in China to attend the World Cultural Forum to be held later this week in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. The forum is set to promote development of Chinese culture and cross-cultural communications. Yang Lihua, an expert on African studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the visit demonstrates the two nations' close ties.

"Mozambique has maintained an intimate friendship with China for long as China had rendered significant support in Maputo's struggle for independence from Portuguese colonization," Yang said.

"Mozambique's economy has seen difficulty after independence, but lately the discovery of oil and gas, and its rich maritime resources, have attracted many foreign investors."

【1】 【2】

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