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Looking forward to history repeating (4)

By Lin Qi (China Daily)

11:26, May 06, 2013

Salvador Dalí, Nu fémenin, hystérique et aérodynamique, 1934. Colección ICO, Madrid. (China Daily)

"The basket takes on a mathematical ingenuity and a sculptural delight. It renders a sublime fragility in bamboo and invites Zen-like contemplation, which implies, action lies in slow motion," Zhang says.

The exhibition invites the audience to engage with the works, which is how new media art shares common ground with other contemporary art practices.

For example, Belgian artist Lawrence Malstaf installs in his work Transporter two 13-meter-long conveyer belts, which move in opposite directions, and people can lie on it with shoes off. It looks amusingly entertaining, but it attempts to awaken people from self-centeredness and realize that "things and humans are both part of being," according to Zhang.

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