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China working to restore post-quake order, infrastructure (2)


19:31, April 22, 2013

Heavy-duty vehicles and civilian cars have packed county roads and might hinder the efficiency of rescue and relief, warned He, who has taken charge of traffic control in Lushan.

In a previous development, Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang visited the affected city zone, neighboring townships, villages and broken roads in Lushan, extending the central government's sympathy and solicitude for quake victims and regards for rescue workers.

Wang convened a meeting with local grassroots officials, farmers, soldiers and volunteers late on Sunday night, urging them to check every village and house for trapped people and grasp the "golden time" of 72 hours after the quake to save as many people as possible.

Wang called for strengthened monitoring of aftershocks and secondary disasters to prevent new casualties, speedier deliveries of disaster relief materials, resumed transportation, communication and power, as well as for an integrated mechanism to be established to coordinate all rescue and relief efforts and listen to feedback from front-line rescue and relief personnel.

A team of architecture and seismology experts started to evaluate the safety of public buildings in the region on Sunday.

On Monday, they examined school buildings in the city of Ya'an and Lushan County.

Most school buildings in Ya'an are in good condition to reopen for classes, according to a statement from the China Earthquake Administration.

"The experts are still examining the conditions of school buildings in Lushan," the statement said.

【1】 【2】 【3】

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