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Cui Yadong meets with Thai Deputy Police Chief Pansiri Prapawat (5)

(People's Daily Online)

11:12, April 01, 2013

Mr. Cui Yadong (first from right, front row), member of the Standing Committee and Secretary of the Committee of Political and Legal Affairs of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee, and Director of the Public Security Department of Guizhou Province, meets with the delegation led by Thai Deputy Police Chief Mr. Pansiri Prapawat (first from left, front row)

On March 21, Mr. Cui Yadong, member of the Standing Committee and Secretary of the Committee of Political and Legal Affairs of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee, and Director of Guizhou Provincial Public Security Department, met with a delegation of Royal Thai Police led by Deputy Chief Pansiri Prapawat in Guiyang. The delegation’s visit was organized by the Ministry of Public Security, following visits to Beijing and Shannxi.

As Mr. Cui pointed out, the friendly cooperation between the Chinese and Thai police is of great significance to the long-standing and close friendship between the two countries. In the fight against transnational crimes, the police of both countries have maintained good cooperative relations and achieved significant results. Particularly, among the victims of last year’s “10.5” Mekong River Tragedy, three were from Guizhou. This atrocity raised great concern of the government, people and police of Guizhou. Thanks to the arduous, meticulous, and effective efforts of the special investigation team led by Deputy Chief Pansiri, the criminals headed by Naw Kham were brought to justice. This brought some consolation to the victims. Mr. Cui hence expressed his heartfelt appreciation for the Thai police.

Also, Mr. Cui briefed the delegation on the great economic and social achievements in Guizhou over recent years, and introduced the Guizhou Provincial Public Security Department. With the support of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the people of all ethnicities in Guizhou uphold the great banner of “socialism with Chinese characteristics”, applied the Scientific Outlook of Development in all aspects, and implemented the “Second-mover’s Overtaking Strategy” to boost the economy, thereby maintaining strong momentum in economic and social development. Under the strong leadership of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee, the People’s Government of Guizhou Province and the Ministry of Public Security, the Public Security Department of Guizhou Province loyally fulfilled its duties and ensured general harmony and stability of the province, with a view to building a safe, harmonious and happy Guizhou. Besides, drawing on practical experience, the Public Security Department of Guizhou Province also initiated the “Sunshine Project” involving community drug control and rehabilitation, which had seen fruitful results. In particular, Guizhou has rich natural resources, harmonious and stable society, as well as diligent and courageous people of various ethnicities living in peace and solidarity. All this has laid a solid foundation for Guizhou to catch up with other regions in its journey toward a well-off society.

Mr. Cui stressed that the Guizhou police sincerely hoped to deepen the regional law enforcement cooperation under the framework of China-Thailand police cooperation and further strengthen the mutual exchange and collaboration in criminal cases. Since both Guizhou and Thailand are close to the Golden Triangle area and thus are seriously harassed by drugs, the two sides should cooperate more extensively in drug control. Cui also expressed his hope to enhance communication, exchange and cooperation in this regard so as to jointly crack down on drug crimes and safeguard regional safety and stability.

Mr. Pansiri noted that the Thai police attached great importance to the law enforcement cooperation with China, and it was ready to expand and strengthen the cooperation and exchange in police affairs with the Ministry of Public Security of China and the Public Security Department of Guizhou Province, cementing and promoting the practical cooperation in fighting against crimes and maintaining public security between the two sides. Before the meeting, the delegation had met with the divisions of drug control, crime investigation and exit-entry administration of Guizhou Provincial Public Security Department, fully exchanging views on cracking down on criminal and drug offenses, and on the “Sunshine Project” for community drug control and rehabilitation. The delegation agreed that the “Sunshine Project” was a great breakthrough in addressing such universal problems as the addicts’ struggle to keep themselves away from the drugs after having given up drugs, difficulties concerning management and control of drug addicts, challenges faced by the addicts in returning to society and high risks for the addicts to go back to drugs. Therefore, it could be significant reference and guidance for Thailand and the world at large to tackle drug problems.

During its stay in Guizhou, the delegation will also pay visits to the “Sunshine Project”. Those attended the meeting include officials from the International Cooperation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security of China, members of the CPC Committee of the Public Security Department of Guizhou Province, as well as heads of the divisions of crime investigation, drug control and exit-entry administration of the Public Security Department of Guizhou Province.

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