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4G market set to ignite hot competition (3)

By SHEN JINGTING  (China Daily)

08:27, March 25, 2013

China Mobile

China Mobile plans to deploy the world's biggest 4G LTE network in more than 100 Chinese cities this year, covering more than half a billion people, the company's chairman Xi Guohua, said in a keynote speech at the global TD-LTE Initiative summit in Barcelona.

Meanwhile, China Mobile is about to acquire more than 1 million TD-LTE terminals, including smartphones and data cards, in 2013, Xi said.

The company constructed 20,000 TD-LTE base stations and expects to expand the figure tenfold this year.

The number of China Mobile 4G subscribers is forecast to reach 228.8 million in 2017, representing 52 percent of China's 439.9 million total 4G users, according to estimates by IHS iSuppli.

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