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Panoramic view of ALMA project in Chile (2)

Xinhua)  08:33, March 14, 2013  

Image provided by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) on March 12, 2013, shows an aerial view of the antenna assembly sites and workers' camp who build the Atacama Large Millimetre/Submillimetre Array (ALMA) aiming to develop a telescope without parallel in the world. ALMA project is an international astronomical facility located 5,000 meters above Andes' El Llano de Chajnantor's plateau, some 50 km of San Pedro de Atacama in Chile's Second Region, in Antofagasta. The ALMA, an international partnership project between Europe, Japan and the United States, with the cooperation of Chile, is presently the largest astronomical project in the world and it will be inaugurated in Chile on March 13, 2013 to celebrate his transformation from a construction project to an observatory. (Xinhua/ESO)

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(Editor:YaoChun、Zhang Qian)


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