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Children deserve a sporting chance (4)

By Tang Zhe and Hu Haiyan  (China Daily)

10:15, March 13, 2013

"Although most of the schools have physical education classes, the effects are not satisfactory," he said. "It is common for the content of the classes to vary from the syllabus - some (schools) ignore parts of the course, while others just let the students play among themselves.

"The main reason is that society hasn't realized the importance of exercise to young people, and we also lack the rules (to regulate schools)," he said.

Yang Hua, president of Beijing Sport University, said policies and rules should be implemented to ensure the quality of physical education classes.

"The school regulations and the national syllabus should attach the same importance to sports as they do to academic courses," said Yang. He suggested that the authorities should specify exactly what proportion of the education budget should be spent on sporting facilities and the construction of venues. He also urged that physical education classes and extracurricular activities should be well organized and designed.

"Schools must enable students to exercise their bodies and hone their willpower through a well-organized curriculum en route to improving the quality of the classes. If not, the classes will go to waste and the students will be left with a poor understanding of the importance of sports," Yang said.

Team players?

Improving the physical fitness of students and promoting sporting activity in schools could help to expand the talent pool for athletics and resolve a growing dichotomy in China's sporting life.

While the country has achieved great success in individual events, there has been a dramatic decline in the results and reserves in team sports, including soccer, basketball and volleyball.

To increase the number of soccer players, the Chinese Football Association has sought cooperation with the education authorities to promote the sport in schools.

Meanwhile, the retired basketball star Yao Ming, who now serves as a member of the CPPCC National Committee, suggested during the annual session that sports and education should be combined further and proposed the foundation of school basketball leagues.

"Physical education should be part of general education, and basketball, which was born on campuses, should return to the schoolyard," said the 32-year-old former Houston Rockets center. "That combination would enable young students to improve their physical health and allow the development of well-educated athletes."

Yao's view was echoed by Yang Liguo, an official at the Ministry of Education, who works in school sports.

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