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Yangzhou, of gardens and gourmets (3)

(China Daily)

13:45, February 28, 2013

(Ye Jun/China Daily)

They come without any other ingredients aside from seasonings - shrimp roe soy sauce, sesame oil, pork fat, white pepper, shallots and boiled water.

But yangchunmian offers just one case study of how, when it comes to noodles, Yangzhou's chefs make simple super.

I was astonished to discover the low-end Jiangjiaqiao Dumpling and Noodle Restaurant's stir-fried noodles, which cost a paltry 3.5 yuan (56 US cents), were among the most delicious I've ever tasted.

After sunset, we head to Yangzhou's ancient Grand Canal, which is illuminated by a dazzling array of lights. The 1,700 km waterway was built about 2,400 years ago as one of the country's major trade routes, stretching from Hangzhou, capital of today's Zhejiang province, to Beijing.

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Email|Print|Comments(Editor:GaoYinan、Ye Xin)

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