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Cooking shows hot and profitable (4)

By Xu Wei (Shanghai Daily)

10:44, February 22, 2013

Professor Wu Gang, a TV expert from East China Normal University, says people like food-related shows because they are accessible to everyone.

"Delicious cuisine is irresistible to almost everybody," Wu says. "These days very few young people are good at cooking, so these programs can generate interest in cooking and in China's food culture."

In food shows, it's always difficult to express flavor in words, so professional judges are essential and their comments are important, he says.

A long-standing favorite is "You Are the Chef," an English program launched on ICS in 2002, and still one of the most popular shows. Australian host Heidi Dugan gets together with a professional or a famous chef to discuss food and create attractive and mouth-watering dishes.

This year the program will not only host a cooking competition, but also launch a cooking class. Each month the program recruits audience members to participate in its cooking club and learn to prepare a dish with instructions from professionals or famous cooks in Shanghai. It's planning shows around Women's Day (March 8) and White Valentine's Day (March 14), highlighting romantic deserts and a steak set menu.

Another popular food-related program on ICS is the restaurant investigation show "Independent Inspector."

"A principle of our show is that every site must undergo a secret review by an anonymous inspector, a critic or gourmet in the field," says He Jian, the show's producer. "Their comments are never only positive. The audience is encouraged to get involved in the program by sending their recommendations of restaurants to be reviewed."

Major food shows broadcast in Shanghai

"Hot and Scrumptious" Channel Young, daily, 7pm

"The Food Trump Card" Channel Young, Saturdays, 7pm

"MasterChef" Dragon TV, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10pm

"You Are the Chef" ICS, Monday-Friday, 6:30pm

"Independent Inspector" ICS, Saturdays, 8pm

"Delicious Life" Travel Channel, Saturdays, 5:40pm

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