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Micro-blogger's accounts of the dead inspire the living (2)

By Sun Ye  (China Daily)

14:44, January 23, 2013

Lin spends 30 minutes a day checking follower-provided sources, writing the obituaries and leaving a final message on the page of the departed.

"As their Weibo is my only source, I don't know much about them," Lin says.

"But I write positive things so people will remember them fondly."

He even wrote an obituary for himself on Dec 21, 2011, the popularly predicted doomsday. It reads: "He lives to be 100 and took his natural course. He's surrounded by family and loved by all. There's no pain or torment."

The entry received more than 200 electric candles.

Lin's account has inspired readers to seize the day.

Among the most common comments are: "What would my last words be? What would the next minute of my life bring? I must do what means the most to me."

Li Yun, ateacher from the High School Attached to South China Normal University, is enticed by the feed because of the "important truth" it conveys.

"Most people think of themselves as ordinary, but they should know that every life is significant," says Li, who has made Lin's page part of her class.

Online intellectual forum, which voted Lin's page as a must-read in 2013 because it reminds the living how to live, posts: "Let them rest in peace. Let the rest of us live our lives to the fullest."

Lin's friends call him a thinker. Realizing his ideas is his way of living to the fullest, he says.

"Passion drives you and a realistic look at what you are doing motivates you to carry on," Lin says.

"I'm like a bell-chiming monk. Tolling is monotonous, but what I do brings meaning to others."

【1】 【2】

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