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More than 6,000 seek refuge as landmark river in Indonesia's capital spills over (3)


15:07, January 16, 2013

Casablanca street is inundated, causing long traffic jams at Kampung Melayu, East Jakarta, Jan. 16, 2013. Rainy season causing floods hit East Jakarta, on midnight Tuesday, forced 6000 people in East Jakarta area to be displaced by the overflowing Ciliwung river. (Xinhua/Veri Sanovri)

JAKARTA, Jan. 16 (Xinhua)-- A senior official at Indonesian disaster mitigation agency of BNPB said Wednesday that 6,101 people living in the capital city are seeking refuge as their houses are inundated by flood as the landmark river lining in the capital city, the Ciliwung river, spilled over following all day- long heavy downpour on Tuesday.

The refugees were coming from 50 villages located in all five municipalities in the capital city, now sheltered in bus shelters and villages halls, BNPB spokesperson Sutopo Purwo Nugroho was quoted by the saying.

He added that one fatality was reported from the ongoing flood. The victim was a teenager who was swept out by raging flood water coming from the spillover river of Sekretaris in West Jakarta, he said.

The water from Ciliwung river incited flood as high as 1.5 meters, inundating houses alongside the river in those municipalities.

The BNPB and the city administration, with the help of volunteers, had erected makeshift tents in the refuge shelters to help the refugees. They also provided food logistic to the refugees.

The capital city located in coastal area saw severe flood each year during the rainy season as it receives massive flow of water during the season from neighboring higher ground areas.

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