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Deliberation on Formulating Regulations on the Recovery, Return, and Job Placement of Drug Rehabilitation Personnel Based on the Experience in Guizhou’s "Sunshine Project" for Community-based Drug Rehabilitation and Recovery (6)

(People's Daily Online)

19:44, January 06, 2013

2. Issues related to the government’s financial investment in community-based drug rehabilitation and recovery. In the case that financial fund guarantee is lacked, the Guizhou government still asks the governments at all levels to include the promotion fund for the “Sunshine Project” into their financial budgets. The provincial financial authorities will grant RMB150,000 and RMB300,000 of early-phase subsidies for the “sunshine enterprises” that provide job placement for more than 50 and 100 people respectively, and local financial authorities should also prepare for the funds of the same amount. In medical treatment, the government also requires to include the adanon maintenance treatment expenses into the financial budgets at all levels, and provide free treatment services for drug rehabilitation personnel. Currently, the provincial financial authorities have set the budget for the promotion of the “Sunshine Project” ahead till 2014, totaling RMB20.25 million. Practices have proven that the recovery, return, and job placement for drug rehabilitation personnel are not only a issue related to the individual interests of drug rehabilitation personnel, but also an important social construction task related to public interests and social security, which require necessary fund investments of the financial authorities at all levels in community-based drug rehabilitation and recovery. Institutionalizing the investments of financial authorities at all levels for community-based drug rehabilitation and recovery through legislation, and taking the number of drug rehabilitation personnel into consideration to effective ensure the financial investments in community-based drug rehabilitation and recovery is an important issue to be solved through legislation.

3. Issues related to the development of social insurance system for the recovery and return of drug rehabilitation personnel. In the promotion of the “Sunshine Project,” Guizhou has formulated the Regulations on Drug Control in Guizhou, clearly stipulating that drug rehabilitation personnel and their family members should not be discriminated in terms of enrollment, employment, and social insurance benefits. Relevant departments, organizations, and staff should provide necessary guidance and assistance for drug rehabilitation personnel in terms of enrollment, employment, and social insurance benefits. In specific work, for the community-based drug rehabilitation and recovery personnel who lose ability to work or cannot work due to various reasons and meet relevant requirements, the territorial governments should provide them with subsistence allowances for both urban and rural residents, and urban and rural basic medical insurance or new rural cooperative medical insurance. Community-based drug rehabilitation and recovery personnel meeting the requirements of assistance and guarantee for the disabled should be provided with the assistance and guarantee for the disabled according to rules. For community-based drug rehabilitation and recovery personnel meeting relevant conditions who have difficulties, relevant departments should provide assistance by adopting temporary relief measures in a timely manner. It should be said that for the recovery and return of drug rehabilitation personnel, developing and improving the social insurance system is an important task. Therefore, institutionalizing social insurance for the return of drug rehabilitation and recovery personnel to the society through legislation is the working principle of adhering to the combination of education, rescue, assistance, care, relief, and return, and important reflection and guarantee of respecting, getting close, and caring about drug rehabilitation personnel.

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