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New Tendency of China’s Drug Control Management (2)

(People's Daily Online)

19:25, January 06, 2013

Compared to voluntary social assistance and independent detoxification and recovery of drug rehabilitation personnel, the government can also play a unique role in promoting employment. The discrimination of outside society and self inferiority are the social reason and psychological reason for the relapse of drug rehabilitation personnel. Due to the discrimination of the society including family members and relatives, and obvious weak competitiveness in the labor market and social life, drug rehabilitation personnel often encounter difficulties in finding jobs and returning to the society in a dispersed and spontaneous way, and may even face formidable difficulties. Therefore, that the government actively guides and motivates the social entities to provide an employment platform becomes an important way of overcoming difficulties. That the drug rehabilitation personnel demonstrate independent development capabilities in employment can help them return to the society as soon as possible, and they can live a dignified and decent life only through independent employment, which can help them recover psychologically as soon as possible.

The new drug rehabilitation policy in Guizhou is a new mode of community-based recovery, which is expressed administratively as "physical detoxification, physical and mental recovery, job placement, and integration into the society." In terms of policy orientation of the new mode, finding a job and realizing career development are considered as the core link to realize drug rehabilitation objects. It focuses on employment and development by depending on commercial enterprises. The "sunshine enterprises" in "employment homes" are the entities providing jobs for drug rehabilitation personnel. This is a key issue for the research and discussion on the new drug rehabilitation policies in Guizhou.

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