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Interview: Western countries to form "coalition of willing" in Syria crisis: Russian expert (2)


08:17, December 26, 2012

Mindful of the bad image they created in Libya, these Western countries have decide not to repeat that mistake in Syria, he said. That's why they prefer to make efforts from outside instead of inside.

With so many domestic and outside forces involving in the conflict and so many things difficult to handle, Syria is most likely to slip into a civil war, which could not only have grave consequences on its neighbors such as Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, but also on the entire region, said the expert.

The so-called recognized opposition council will gain ground somewhere in Syria and get Western armaments, he said.

"But that doesn't mean the fighting will be over. The whole story will start all over again. There is a great chance of an even greater civil war in Syria, this time with huge participation of Islamic Jihadists," said the expert.

The United States and its allies might believe they could cope with the issue of the Jihadists forces, a potential major force in any post-Bashar government, but at the end of the day they would find it a huge mistake, Sotnikov said.

In the long haul, religious extremists will gain influence not only in Syria, but in the entire Middle East. "This is very dangerous, and Russia has been constantly warning against the trend," Sotnikov said.

【1】 【2】

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